IMO agrees to cut 50% emissions by 2050

By |2018-04-18T15:00:00+02:00April 18th, 2018|

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has adopted a highly anticipated climate change strategy for shipping. The strategy focuses on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships, setting out a vision to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping and phase them out as soon as possible in this century. The adopted strategy includes specific

Survey: container shipping service

By |2018-04-04T10:23:45+02:00April 4th, 2018|

ESC and Drewry are conducting a survey to evaluate the quality of container shipping service.  Shippers are encouraged to participate and to disseminate it further among relevant stakeholders.  TO RESPOND TO THE SURVEY, please click here. Time to complete: 10 minutes for the 1st part of the survey and 10 minutes for the  2nd part. The 2nd

Customs developments in China

By |2018-04-04T09:35:03+02:00April 4th, 2018|

China is pushing forward Free Trade Agreements talks with more than 20 economies along the Belt and Road Initiative. During the last years, the country has been improving its customs legislation. In 2016, China introduced new measures in the customs audit. These include voluntary self-disclosure for a violation, involvement of external professional firms for audit

Press release: shippers call for action on looming trade wars

By |2018-03-27T18:22:11+02:00March 27th, 2018|

Hong Kong, March 27, 2018 The Global Shippers’ Alliance (GSA) representing  major shippers’ organisations from Asia, Europe and the US, calls on world leaders to solve the dispute on import tariffs and work on decreasing the red tape in international trade. It is by dialogue that countries and regions should solve problems amongst themselves. By collaborating international trade

GSA annual meeting in Hong Kong

By |2018-03-23T15:02:35+01:00March 23rd, 2018|

The Global Shippers’ Alliance will hold their annual meeting this time in Hong Kong and Macao on 26-27 March. Participants from Europe, Asia, and the US will address current matters on maritime transport, air freight, and trade facilitation. The organisation is particularly worried about looming trade wars and will compare risks, opportunities, and relevant actions to

2017 Survey on sourcing, trade and e-commerce

By |2018-03-23T15:04:11+01:00March 23rd, 2018|

AAEI and Amber Road conducted an online survey of global trade professionals: manufacturers, shippers, logistics providers, and other related service providers. The intent of the study was to create a report that provides a snapshot of e-commerce today and analyze the impact that the colossal growth of online sales, especially cross-border online sales, has on retailers,

2017 AAEI e-commerce benchmark report

By |2018-03-23T15:04:45+01:00March 23rd, 2018|

AAEI is proud to partner with Amber Road on this Benchmark Report on e-Commerce. While e-commerce is not new, it has reached a critical mass to impact global trade. Since the Great Recession of 2008, global trade has remained flat while e-commerce has increased 20% per year.

Study on the new Silk Route

By |2018-02-23T12:03:59+01:00January 29th, 2018|

The European Parliament has published a new study 'The new Silk Route – opportunities and challenges for EU transport. The study looks at the opportunities and challenges that the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) Initiative brings to the European transport system.  “One Belt, One Road” refers to the combination of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” (six

Belt and Road Initiative conference

By |2018-02-23T11:18:26+01:00January 29th, 2018|

The report from the international conference “The Belt and Road Initiative: EU-China Logistics and Supply Chain” that took place in November 2017 is now available as  the special issue of the EU-China Observer. This issue provides a summary of the key points raised by each speech according to the event structure.

Rastatt incident: way forward

By |2017-11-08T22:15:58+01:00October 30th, 2017|

Rastatt incident: way forward Following the Rastatt incident, the meeting of experts organised by the Commission Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) and chaired by Deputy Director General Matthew Baldwin agreed on the way forward. The Commission will organise a dedicated group of the Platform of Rail Infrastructure managers (PRIME) and the